The downward spiral of actress Amanda Bynes.
Dw. Dunphy
924 Articles
Dw. Dunphy is a writer, artist, and musician. For Popdose he has contributed many articles that can be found in the site's archives. He also writes for New Jersey Stage,, Ultimate Classic Rock, and Diffuser FM. His music can be found at
“Don’t they understand what they had, and what message you’re sending by changing it?”
Mel Brooks: Make A Noise — Don’t be schtupidt, be a schmarty!
The long, strange trip from WWII to Samuel L.
In April 1983, Japan introduced the Famicom. A couple years later, sales of Funyons increased three-fold.
Here are a few names you may not recall, fronting bands you cannot escape from.
Two pairs of tickets are up for grabs to see SpaceGhostPurrp in NYC.
Michael Laine Hildebrandt discusses his song “Loving One Another.”
Bowie could have done anything he wanted at this point…so he made a rock record.
Popdose takes a brief overview beyond the yellow brick road.
With just about a month in hindsight, was My Bloody Valentine’s “mbv” worth it?
Recalling the phenomenon of the last episode of M*A*S*H
Independent musician Brandon Schott is using his talents in an unexpected way — to fight cancer.
Win a concert/camping contest for Mountain Jam 2013 in Hunter, New York!
Revisiting the classic ’60s TV series and the mysteries that remain locked inside it.
The Popdose Interview speaks with Andrew Curry, Executive Producer of Drink A Toast To Innocence – A Tribute To Lite Rock.
Two storms of the century, drought, killer meteorites, papal resignations, and Dw Dunphy praises Journey.