Let’s set the table for this review. You’ve read/heard my very long standing admiration and respect for, plus the immeasurable influence that Peter Holsapple has had on my musical endeavors…
Rob Ross
1032 Articles
Rob Ross has been, for good, bad or indifferent, involved in the music industry for over 30 years - first as guitarist/singer/songwriter with The Punch Line, then as freelance journalist, producer and manager to working for independent and major record labels. He resides in Staten Island, New York with his wife and cats; he works out a lot, reads voraciously, loves Big Star and his orange Gretsch. Doesn't that make him neat?
Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross: Episode Two Hundred Twenty Yes – another older episode, recorded just before Rob’s surgery (which is discussed during the upcoming Episode 221). …
Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross: Episode Two Hundred Nineteen Again, an older episode, from the summer, but still as relevant and informative as ever. You know, the beauty…
Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross: Episode Two Hundred Eighteen Yes, is is an “older” episode, recorded back in March – the seventh anniversary, so apologies for the delay. …
Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross: Episode Two Hundred Seventeen Although this episode was recorded just before Christmas, it serves as a warm and wonderful wrap-up to the year,…
Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross: Episode Two Hundred Sixteen Yet again, we’re playing catch-up with Jon and Rob, with this brand-new episode, recorded in September. Clearly, a lot…
It’s been quite a few years since we heard from our friends, The Blood Rush Hour. This fine New Jersey-oriented musical aggregate, directed by the brilliant mind of Robert DeStefano…
I consider Heather Augustyn to be the premier author/scholar on ska, so her writing this book makes all the sense in the world. Other works by her would include Ska:…
Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross: Episode Two Hundred Fifteen And here we are with an episode recorded in July (don’t worry – we’re getting there!) and just as…
Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross: Episode Two Hundred Fourteen This episode – recorded in May (!) – picks up quite nicely where you last heard them in March,…
Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross: Episode Two Hundred Thirteen It’s been a while since you’ve heard a “new” episode of Radio City… (this episode was recorded in mid-March)…