Pittsburgh’s The Gotobeds are offering their two cents on a vintage blast of punk energy — and it is mighty good. Dubbed Definitely Not a Red Kross EP, the new…
5 Articles
Allison Johnelle Boron
1 Min Read
Atlanta has been a hotbed of musical action pretty much forever, and the ATL’s new golden children, All the Locals, are representing its prowess to the nth degree. While they’re not…
Rob Ross
1 Min Read
Once again, the venerable Atlanta rockers deliver their fourth new e.p. release since 2012; Songs For The Turntable is a sonic blast that kicks the New Year off in top…
Rob Ross
1 Min Read
I loved these two albums when they first came out in 1984 and 1986, respectively, through the good folks at A&M Records. This Atlanta band had that wonderful mix of…
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