Attention, America: you may not have been clamoring for a new album by Dexys Midnight Runners – or simply Dexys, as they go by now, hence the above parentheses –…
Dexys Midnight Runners
5 Articles
Popdose Staff
10 Min Read
We’re down to a bit of a skeleton crew this week as we continue plowing through Disc Three of this seven-disc set — which probably shouldn’t be surprising, considering what…
John C. Hughes
1 Min Read
A quickie today, folks – I’m getting ready to move in with my betrothed, and I’m currently surrounded by boxes of stuff.Á‚ Moving is such a hassle, but I can’t…
Dave Steed
2 Min Read
A few weeks ago I laughed at someoneÁ¢€™s musical taste. I feel kind of bad about it. See, a buddy of mine asked me if I had heard the new…
John C. Hughes
1 Min Read
One of the first acts mentioned whenever someone brings up the subject of “’80s One-Hit Wonder,” Dexys Midnight Runners actually had quite a few hits in the UK, including a…
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