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the Merrymakers
5 Articles
Popdose Staff
2 Min Read
Good day, Monday morning quarterbacks! Once upon a time, long ago (well, not THAT long ago), Popdose had the Friday Mixtape feature, a regular fixture of the site. It was…
David Medsker
1 Min Read
In the late ’90s and early ’00s, I went head first down the power-pop rabbit hole. I eventually regretted it for some reason (oh wait, I remember now — the…
Will Harris
1 Min Read
Even since Benny Andersson and BjÁƒ¶rn Ulvaeus first realized that they had a knack for writing songs together, itÁ¢€™s been an accepted fact that thereÁ¢€™s something in the water of…
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