Miles Nielsen and the Rusted HeartsOK, you’ve learned about the premise of the Red Pill Sessions. You’ve read our interview with Miles Nielsen and heard the first song, “Sink or Swim,” recorded with his band, the Rusted Hearts. Now it’s time to discover the rest of the songs that were written and recorded during the two days.

Miles Nielsen CDWe’ve got “Sink Or Swim” and three others: “Tokyo,” “The Best I Can,” and “Ten Feet Tall” in a Bandcamp widget below for you to stream. Popdose readers are the first to hear these songs, and you can purchase them digitally directly from the widget individually or in a group.

We’re also giving away CDs of these songs that have been signed by Nielsen. To enter, all you have to do is send an e-mail to with the subject “Miles Nielsen CD Giveaway.” We’ll choose 10 winners at random.

Thanks again to our friends at Red Pill for agreeing to do this series, to Miles Nielsen and the Rusted Hearts for their participation, and we look forward to future installments!

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About the Author

Dave Lifton

The perpetually cranky Dave Lifton produces and co-hosts the Popdose Podcast and contributes an occasional column when he darn well feels like it. But mostly he eats Cheetos and yells at kids to get off his lawn, which is strange because he lives in an apartment. The guiding force behind LifStrong, he can be found on Twitter at @dslifton.

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