It seems every four years Ralph Nader surfaces as a presidential candidate to remind progressives, and even some libertarians, why our system of government is rigged, why we’re getting screwed,…
Current Events
I’ll get to the cyborgs in a second, but before I do, I need to mention one last thing in regard to Wesley Snipes — in my three February posts…
To no oneÁ¢€â„¢s surprise, Republicans this week trotted out what promises to be one of their primary lines of attack against Barack Obama in the fall, should he win the…
Last Sunday I said I would find time to write about Al Jarreau in the coming week, but a few days ago Jeff Giles told me to put my ode…
Looking back on a year that many critics hail as one of Hollywood’s best ever, it’s difficult to ignore the fact that many of this season’s Oscar-nominated films bear political…
Were you anxiously awaiting the conclusion of my Wesley Snipes two-parter on Tuesday? Did you have to take anti-anxiety medication when it didn’t appear? It’s not my fault you’re a…
Silly Republicans: Don’t you know heartland rock is for Democrats? We seem to go through this every election cycle: Another GOP contender tries to trade his corporate-shill reality for some…
I would venture to guess that most of the Popdose audience wasn’t even born when the radicalism of the 1960s bubbled up — yet the shadow of the 1960s is…
While driving through L.A.’s Laurel Canyon on Super Tuesday, I let Jesus take the wheel for a moment as I steered my iPod past the singer-songwriter types who once called…
Years ago, I used to teach political science to students whose level of interest ran the range from apathetic to enthusiastic Á¢€” with a good chunk in the middle just…
I knew I wasn’t voting Republican, that much was certain. No offense to our Republican readers, but eight years is enough. I am not better off than I was in…
Last week the Federal Communications Commission harrumphed briefly to life, handing down one of its outrageous and seemingly arbitrary fines to a broadcast network that dared show a bit of…
If you were born in January or you fell in love in January or you got married in January or you have a child who was born or fell in…
For all intents and purposes, Bill and Hillary Clinton should be my candidates. On the political spectrum I consider myself center-left, and the Clintons have been center-left politicians since, well,…
In response to the nearly self-fulfilling prophecy of a recession, President Bush recently announced proposals to offer tax rebates in the ballpark of $150 billion. He also proposed a kick-in…
“In Rudy Giuliani’s New York, where the curtain is being lowered on civil rights and civil liberties, anyone who dares to challenge the Mayor, this joyless man with the angry…
“Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to…
As you know, these are trying times, filled with economic uncertainty, terrorist threats, military aggression, global warming, and even a few presidential candidates who aren’t white guys. In times like…
Upon leaving office in 2000, Bill Clinton was keen on having a national conversation on race in America. He eventually did in 2004, but because he was a former president…
Á¢€Å“Why do they hate me?Á¢€ wails Nathan Lane as the fictional (but not too fictional) President Charles H.P. Smith, early in David MametÁ¢€â„¢s new political comedy November. The reply comes…
I should start subscribing to the newspaper again on Sundays. But the only part of the paper I’m interested in is Parade magazine, particularly Walter Scott’s Personality Parade, the regular page-two…
Presidential campaigns, like marketing campaigns, have to have a sellable theme. Something that sounds snappy and connects with voters/consumers so they will act (i.e., vote for a candidate or buy…
Py KorryÁ¢€™s excellent piece the other day about the John Woo torture memo got me thinking about, of all things, a movie trailer that I saw repeatedly over the holidays…
Sequels aren’t always good, but the movie-loving teenager who continues to take up space inside my soul will always be excited by them, especially the mere concept of sequels, i.e….
A news item broke late Friday that was quite novel for political retribution stories. Lawyers representing Jose Padilla Á¢€” the guy who was locked up in a Navy brig for…
Forget Times Square, forget the BCS, forget Iowa, forget Dave and JayÁ¢€™s returns last Wednesday: 2008 officially gets underway Monday night, when Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert return to Comedy…
“Who cares what I think? I’m not the president. I’m just a storyteller, man.” So says Bob Dylan — or, at least, Cate Blanchett as Jude Quinn as Bob Dylan…
On Friday morning, driving down Olympic, I noticed that the marine layer was conspicuously thick and gray. I had been out of town for the fires last month, so I…