It was recently reported (by Fox News, of all places) that Clear Channel radio stations had been instructed not to play tracks from Bruce SpringsteenÁ¢€â„¢s new album, Magic. ItÁ¢€â„¢s been…
Current Events
Why am I rooting for the Red Sox in the World Series? Because I grew up in New England. That should be all there is to it, right? I could…
Julie and I were getting ready for work when her mother called from Cleveland. “Turn on the news” she said in a worried tone that immediately sent chills down my…
It’s been awhile since I wrote anything in-depth on politics, for the same reason Captain Video! has taken his sweet-ass time coming back from the 1980th Dimension Á¢€” those posts…
I’m a little late on this, but better now than never Á¢€” go read this moving entry at one of my favorite blogs, the always thoughtful and intelligent slacktivist.
I don’t think she’s made a decent album in quite some time, but I was intrigued enough to check out “Have You Had Enough,” the new collaboration between Rickie Lee…
Via the always dependable Atrios: This is important. Too many people imagine that the internet was an inevitable development which can’t be killed, but that just isn’t the case. The…
Like pretty much everybody else, I’ve had New Orleans on my mind lately. Haven’t said much, because I’m not as eloquent as folks elsewhere, like Atrios and Billmon. Basically I’m…
Haven’t been able to write this morning because a squirrel fell down the vent above our stove Á¢€” the last couple hours have been spent trying to get the little…
I love Billmon. Have a happy 4th, kids Á¢€” jefitoblog is back to normal operating hours tomorrow.
The slacktivist tells it like it is, and more powerfully than I could, so I’ll just stand back and let him rage for me: Style matters. Substance does not. Reality…
One of the cool things about Tivo is that it allows you to add or remove channels at will. I know pretty much every television set has this function, but…
Billmon over at yon Whiskey Bar wants to make sure you wake up in a pool of sweat in the middle of the night. Sweet dreams, chilluns. I can at…
The slacktivist is really on fire this week: “You deserve an A” Private Property?
The slacktivist is really on fire this week: “You deserve an A” Private Property?
Yes, I know. It’s Monday morning and it hurts. But fear notÁ¢€”the Monday Morning mp3 Megabonanza is here to soothe your aching soul! More on that later. How was everybody’s…
I shouldn’t be laughing at this, but I am: Policymakers and citizens pondering the merits of Social Security reform should consider new evidence showing that “social security” adversely affects decisions…
From Billmon: Mr Powell’s bleak assessment, less than three weeks before Iraqis are due to elect a parliament, reflects what advisers close to the administration and former officials describe as…
So. Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss. Now what? There’s a great quote somewhere about the problem with intellectuals being that they think most other…
Many’s the time I’ve been mistaken And many times confused Yes, and I’ve often felt forsaken And certainly misused Oh, but I’m all right, I’m all right I’m just weary…
Also: If I ever meet Jon Stewart in person, I will fall on the ground and kiss his feet. And this transcript from his appearance on today’s Crossfire is just…
America is built on simple principles: Everyone should have the same opportunity to get ahead, and everyone has a responsibility to give something back… So begins the paper outlining John…
Today we look at Kerry’s AIDS position paper, and as usual, our candidate talks a great game. In a sense, one could almost argue that these guys shouldn’t even have…
I’ve been trying to get these out once a week, but this one took awhile, because Kerry’s “Helping Farmers and Rural Communities” position paper name-drops a lot of bills, and…
I ended my last look at Kerry’s position papers by saying next time we’d examine his five-point plan for mad cow disease. I bet you thought I was kidding. But…
We had no support, no training whatsoever, and I kept asking my chain of command for certain things, rules and regulations, and it just wasn’t happening. — Staff Sgt. Chip…
“This is groundbreaking legislation that enhances the federal government’s commitment to our nation’s public education system, dramatically reconfigures the federal role in public education, and embraces many of the principles…