Razor-thin win in election for a (mostly) white working-class agenda
Hillary Clinton
I usually try to avoid getting political in this space, except in the case of truly extreme circumstances, such as if the republic were ever in danger of being taken…
Jon Cummings thought the right wing would smooth down its fringe feathers after the ’08 election. Snake eyes on that roll, Jon!
The other day my Popdose colleague Ted Asredagoo posed the question of how President-Elect Obama — once he is wrapped up in the business of actually, you know, governing —…
Jon: Our frequent commenter Á¢€Å“ElaineÁ¢€ is eager for us to objectify Hillary tonight. Are we Á¢€Å“upÁ¢€ for it? Ted: IÁ¢€â„¢m gameÁ¢€¦ Jon: So, Mark Warner looks pretty good. I keep…
Bad news — my girlfriend, Aimiee, and I are still on that steamship we boarded in China two weeks ago. You know the phrase “slow boat to China”? Well, it…
It’s the end of the road for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. A few signs lately have pointed towards Hillary finally packing it in, and after Barack Obama sweeps up enough of…
As the Democratic primary campaign slogs onward to Indiana and North Carolina this week, Hillary Clinton Á¢€” despite her still-overwhelming deficits in votes, delegates and cash Á¢€” is reveling in…
We’re at a point in the presidential election when reporters, news directors, anchors, and all the other media powers who help frame election issues are getting weary. Weary of the…
In an election year, candidates often want to talk about “the issues,” but more often than not, campaigns will ditch the boring talk for talking smack about each other. It’s…
As presidential campaigns become longer, the media’s appetite grows for comments by anyone who has a connection — no matter how close or remote — to candidates who are in…
I knew I wasn’t voting Republican, that much was certain. No offense to our Republican readers, but eight years is enough. I am not better off than I was in…