Heaven help those who willingly place power in the hands of angry children who only seek payback.
Roger Ebert
Life Itself is the gripping, heartwarming, detailed and powerful story of the inimitable Roger Ebert, the beloved film critic from the Chicago Sun-Times (as well as scriptwriter, author and all…
We who take it as a vocation to criticize the efforts of others must take great care to keep our own behavior above reproach. It is particularly bad form to…
Growing up in the south suburbs of Chicago, there were two kinds of houses: Tribune houses, and Sun-Times houses. The Tribune…
Popdose reviews the return of the “At the Movies” brand to PBS television.
Last year I began to reevaluate my life (that happens when you turn 40) and the pursuit of the dream I had as a boy. What was it about those movies that captured my heart? Was it the movies themselves? Was it the people I was with? Was it some thematic element that I associated with? More importantly, could I ever go back to that place again?
While there may not be a specific topic for Episode 10 of the Popdose Podcast, we promise you more intriguing and immature conversation between Jeff Giles, Jason Hare and Dave Lifton, culminating in an analysis of prosthetic…well, you’ll have to listen for yourself. Enjoy!
Muntadhar al-Zaidi, the Iraqi TV reporter who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush during a press conference in Baghdad last December, was released from prison on September 15…