Last week, Republicans half a world apart (in more ways than one) showed us the difference between rational, reasoned political thought and unthinking absolutism. In Israel, on the 60th anniversary…
Current Events
I’ve been reading The Age of Reagan: A History, 1974-2008 by Sean Wilentz, and it covers historical ground that most historians don’t want to touch for a good 30 years….
I saw Iron Man this morning. It was the first time I’d paid to see a movie at a multiplex in almost eight months. Maybe I should’ve gone to church…
It happened again last night, a sight that many liberals have come to love. Veins a-poppinÁ¢€â„¢, eyes a-bulginÁ¢€â„¢, ears a-steaminÁ¢€â„¢, limbs a-twitchinÁ¢€â„¢, looking generally like his head was about to…
I don’t know if bad news has reached critical mass this past week, but it seems that the last few days of newspaper reading has engendered a great deal of…
On May 1, Representative Vito Fossella (R-NY) was arrested for drunk driving in Alexandria, Virginia, after running a red light, and was released into the custody of a former Air…
I’ve been feeling a lot of pressure to see Standard Operating Procedure, the new Errol Morris documentary about the goings-on at Abu Ghraib. I had already seen Taxi to the…
In the realm of public speaking, it’s tough for anyone (even accomplished speakers) not to make mistakes. In my current line of work (radio) I have to voice commercials, promotional…
Late last week it was reported that pop diva Mariah Carey had married actor Nick Cannon in a secret ceremony. Naturally, my first thought was that her new album, E=MC²,…
Some fascinating new polling data has surfaced on the most intriguing political battle of our time. HarvardÁ¢€â„¢s Institute of Politics conducted an online survey of the showsÁ¢€â„¢ key demographic Á¢€”…
Ronald Reagan asked that question when he was running against Jimmy Carter in 1980. It’s a question that goes to the heart of what many of us believe is the…
Last Thursday actor Wesley Snipes (U.S. Marshals, Undisputed) was sentenced to three years in prison after being found guilty in February of three misdemeanor counts for willfully failing to file…
As the Democratic primary campaign slogs onward to Indiana and North Carolina this week, Hillary Clinton Á¢€” despite her still-overwhelming deficits in votes, delegates and cash Á¢€” is reveling in…
We’re at a point in the presidential election when reporters, news directors, anchors, and all the other media powers who help frame election issues are getting weary. Weary of the…
I didn’t mean to take a three-week vacation from writing Sugar Water, but here I am with my first post for the month of April, which is already on its…
One year ago today, my hometown of Blacksburg, Virginia, came face to face with a horror few American towns have had the misfortune of witnessing. To mark this somber anniversary…
History-altering events produce consequences that are sometimes unintended. In our post-9/11 age, the political landscape has quickly altered, from the relative peace and prosperity of the Clinton years to perpetual…
I know IÁ¢€â„¢m a few days late, but may I please be the one who gets to pry the gun from his cold, dead hands? Forgive me if I decline…
Elections are about priorities. What kind of world do we want to live in? What kinds of things are important for our government to spend money, time, and energy on…
In our current age of hyper-partisan combat and contempt Á¢€” to which I have proven myself at least as susceptible as my fellow fifth-rate political blatherers Á¢€” it sure does…
In an election year, candidates often want to talk about “the issues,” but more often than not, campaigns will ditch the boring talk for talking smack about each other. It’s…
Last week I discovered that David Caruso has more fans than I could’ve ever imagined. To borrow a phrase from a recent episode of his hit show, CSI: Miami, he’s…
Á¢€Å“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.Á¢€ — Abraham Lincoln Tuesday evening…
A friend of mine from grad school came to town for an academic conference in San Francisco this week. It was the annual meeting of the Popular Culture Association, and…
Á¢€Å“ItÁ¢€â„¢s not a country, itÁ¢€â„¢s a company.Á¢€ The most politically daring drama on network television comes to a likely end next Tuesday Á¢€” for a second time. The saga of…
I’m a day late with this week’s post, but I’m not going to apologize. Apologies are for suckers. And one of those suckers is Maxim editorial director James Kaminsky. He…
As presidential campaigns become longer, the media’s appetite grows for comments by anyone who has a connection — no matter how close or remote — to candidates who are in…
If you’ve been reading the papers for political stories that aren’t about the presidential campaign, you might have noticed a story that had a headline with a variation of the…
The title of Al Jarreau’s sixth studio album, released in 1983, is simple and straightforward: Jarreau. But if you ask me, it’s missing an exclamation point at the end —…