Bad news — my girlfriend, Aimiee, and I are still on that steamship we boarded in China two weeks ago. You know the phrase “slow boat to China”? Well, it…
Current Events
John McCain trotted out an oldie-but-a-goodie on Monday at the VFW convention Á¢€” proclaiming once again that, unlike a certain current president who allowed Osama bin Laden to give him…
Charlie Daniels Band – The Devil Went Down to Georgia My apologies in advance for taking occasional license with the meter… Johnny Mac went down to Georgia, he was lookinÁ¢€â„¢…
The Bureau of Labor Statistics for July states that 5.7% of Americans are unemployed. Percentages are sometimes difficult to visualize, so how about this number: 8.8 million people are officially…
Aloha from China! I am so close to being excited about covering the 2008 Summer Olympics for Popdose. Close but not quite there yet because (1) I have trouble showing…
Sometime last night, or this morning, or next Tuesday (why canÁ¢€™t the Chinese operate on American time, like everybody else?), George Bush gave what he probably fancies as his Á¢€Å“tear…
Á¢€Å“Napoleon once said, when asked to explain the lack of great statesmen in the world, that to get power you need to display absolute pettiness. To exercise power, you need…
I don’t mean to brag or nothin’, but when it comes to procrastinating, I’m something of an expert. If there had been a contest last year to determine the world’s…
It was quite a thing to hear. The big U.S. auto manufacturers, finding their sales affiliates smarting over the loss of business for the once-profitable mammoth, 4X4 luxury monsters in…
If you were a conservative back in the days of the New Deal, lobbing verbal grenades like Á¢€Å“A traitor to his classÁ¢€ at Franklin Roosevelt was as common as clearing…
Nearly lost amid the fantastic PR (so far) and blind luck of Barack ObamaÁ¢€â„¢s Middle East tour Á¢€” and the horror show that has been John McCainÁ¢€â„¢s pathetic, flailing response…
For four days now, the left side of the electorate has been scratching its collective head and asking itself, Á¢€Å“Why donÁ¢€™t I think this is funny?Á¢€ Of course, Á¢€Å“thisÁ¢€ is…
A couple weeks ago, I planned a weeknight getaway down to Anaheim to watch the Angels play against their closest rival for the division crown, the Oakland A’s. We took…
On the day we celebrated my daughter CatieÁ¢€â„¢s first birthday, my good friend Robert Simonson came out to the suburbs for the party and marveled at the mountain of toys…
Chicago celebrated gay pride over the weekend with a parade, a “queer prom,” and enough inordinate self-esteem and alternative lifestyles to choke a Clydesdale. You go, gay people! I absolutely…
“I’m not afraid of insects taking over the world, and you know why? It would take about a billion ants just to aim a gun at me, let alone fire…
Earlier this month New York attorney general Andrew Cuomo reported that he had sent his staff to 1,000 pharmacies across the state in March, April, and May and found more…
“If I had to label myself in some way, I would describe myself as a kind of traditionalist, I suppose, in terms of cinema. Clearly, I’m a victim of the…
If youÁ¢€â„¢ve watched the TV news carefully this week, you may have noticed that somewhere amidst the all-Russert-all-the-time lovefest there were other events taking place Á¢€” some of which might…
This was a tough weekend for political junkies Á¢€” particularly those whose televisions generally find themselves tuned to NBC-related channels. Tim RussertÁ¢€â„¢s death on Friday at the far-too-young age of…
Yesterday afternoon I was shopping around for a new mattress for my sonÁ¢€â„¢s bedroom, and I happened upon a brand-new AmericaÁ¢€â„¢s Mattress outlet in my town with a flashy Á¢€Å“Grand…
IÁ¢€â„¢m sure if you took a Á¢€Å“No duhÁ¢€ poll on taxes in the U.S., you would find an overwhelming majority of us donÁ¢€â„¢t like paying them. Sure, you can find…
A couple weeks ago, my colleague Jon Cummings posted his opinions on Keith Olbermann’s current Bizarro-world rantings, exhibiting a vehemence seldom seen from the supposed liberal left. Jon rightly claimed…
15. His trash-talking during high school basketball games inspired White Men CanÁ¢€â„¢t Jump 14. Until 2004, his last name was X 13. His actual grandmother? Oprah 12. HeÁ¢€â„¢ll only put…
It was 40 years ago this morning that many of us learned Robert F. Kennedy had been shot after winning the Democratic presidential primary in California. Even those not old…
Actually, this column is titled “De-evolution, or Long Distance Pissing on the Moon,” but I didn’t think that would be the most genteel headline, so I waffled. Regardless, I am…
The strange case of Joe Lieberman just gets curiouser and curiouser. Had things gone slightly different in Florida eight years ago, the current Á¢€Å“IndependentÁ¢€ senator from Connecticut might be wrapping…
I was reading Stanley Fish’s opinion piece in the New York Times about the University of Colorado’s plan to create a Chair of Conservative Thought at their Boulder campus. The…