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103 Articles
Jeff Giles
1 Min Read

Um, you guys, I think I just lost about 300 gigs of music. So…I’ll be looking for a data recovery wizard over the next few days and wincing as I…

Jeff Giles
1 Min Read

So. When I was getting ready for my two weeks away from here, doing all that pre-writing and post-dating and whatnot, I guess it didn’t occur to me that I’d…

Jeff Giles
1 Min Read

According to SiteMeter (which hasn’t been running as long as the site’s been up, but whatever), this place registered its 20,000th visitor today. This makes me feel like having a…

Jeff Giles
1 Min Read

Ha! Check out the grossest piece of fruit you’ve ever seen: I wonder what Saxton Freymann would think of this. What a gorgeous Sunday. We got up this morning, hit…