As mayor of Bootleg City, I’ve decided to make some changes around these parts. You see, recently I noticed that our fair city really is fair. In fact it’s downright…
Bootleg City
I feel like Heather Browne from I Am Fuel, You Are Friends today. Sure, I feel pretty and witty and bright (thank you for noticing!), but I’m talking about her…
According to an article I found on Magnet magazine’s website, Jellyfish’s lead singer, Andy Sturmer, wasn’t afraid to sting people. “I was told that Jellyfish would be an equal three-piece,…
As I mentioned last week, an anonymous donor sent me disc two of Patty Griffin’s “Love From My Lips” bootleg after I whined on January 16 about not having a…
Talking Heads spent less time talking, more time singing and playing, so in that spirit I’m going to keep my introduction brief this week. Below you’ll find disc two of…
It’s taken me a few weeks to find my way back to Bootleg City — I made an unscheduled stop in Layoff Land, an increasingly popular destination these days —…
By “2,” I mean “3,” of course. But if you’re having trouble following my byzantine internal logic, then allow me to explain. I was going to give you discs two…
If you live in Las Vegas, be sure to catch either of Kathy Griffin’s two shows tonight at Mandalay Bay Casino, where I presume she’ll be talking about her crazy…
It’s a little disgusting when you think about how much talent these guys had. But I’ve come up with a surefire way to make myself feel less envious: I repeat…
You get what you deserve, Big Star fans, so here are the rest of the tracks from the 2000 bootleg “What’s Goin’ Ahn.” The “rough mixes” of songs from Radio…
Last week Bootleg City featured a 1978 concert by AC/DC to celebrate the release of their new album, Black Ice, which came out on Tuesday. This week I’m moving down…
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!! Did that sound screamy enough? Be honest. Okay, lemme try it again. Uhh-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!! Yep, that’s the one. I’ll stick with that one. Bootleg City is back! Or rather, you’re…
If it’s Friday, it must be Bootleg City Á¢€” and this week, our show comes to us courtesy of our good friend Old Davy, who had the foresight to record…
His public displays of dickishness soured me on his music long ago Á¢€” and hell, who can keep up with his output anyway? Á¢€” but I know we’ve got some…
Never let it be said that this blog does not have a raging chubby for all things Nick Lowe-related:and now, thanks to reader Stephen, we have a chance to prove…
I hope you’ve been enjoying our two-week burst of Lemonhead-fresh tunes, because to wrap it all up in true Bootleg City fashion, Robert has donated a collection of Lemonheads and…
Don’t eat the yellow snow, bitches, because it’s Bootleg City, Zappa style! Frank Zappa, to be specific Á¢€” not any of his stupid kids Á¢€” and rather than coming to…
Don’t eat the yellow snow, bitches, because it’s Bootleg City, Zappa style! Frank Zappa, to be specific — not any of his stupid kids — and rather than coming to…
Well, what do you know? It’s Mike Reno’s favorite part of the week again, and you know what that means — we’re headed back to Bootleg City, courtesy of our…
This week at Bootleg City, we’re honored to be paid a visit by none other than the Chairman of the Board himself, in truly vintage form Á¢€” this set was…
Another Friday, another jewel in the crown of Joe at 125 Records, who served up this week’s Bootleg City specifically for February 2, 2007. Why? I’m not sure. Perhaps it…
Welcome back to Bootleg City, motherfuckers! Are you ready to get your unofficially-released rock on?!? Not “rock” this week, actually; we’re jammin’ to some Bob Marley today Á¢€” specifically Marley…
Aha! Bet you didn’t think there was going to be a Bootleg City today, didja? This actually would have been up much sooner, but uploads were a monstrous pain in…
It’s Friday, my friends Á¢€” welcome back to Bootleg City! I hope you like some fruit with your breakfast, because this morning, our new friend Bill is sharing two heaping…
Another week, another stack of bootleggy tunes from Joe of our friends at 125 Records! This week, we’ve got some Jason Falkner on tap, and though I’m sure some of…
Remember how I mentioned awhile back that our good buddy Joe (of 125 Records, natch) had gifted you, me, and everybody with some stellar bits of bootleggy goodness? Well, here…
Okay, remember last week, when I told you about our good friend Joe and how he’d made it possible for you to hear that sweet Joe Jackson bootleg? Well, this…
Bee Gees – A Kick in the Head is Worth Eight in the Pants (1970) Robin Gibb – Sing Slowly Sisters (1970) Huzzah, bitches! It’s Twofer Day here in Bootleg…
So, like I said last week, I got a request for Mr. Mister’s unreleased Pull album, and through the good graces of Mr. Franz “Jefito doesn’t eat enough gross junk…
So, like I said last week, I got a request for Mr. Mister’s unreleased Pull album, and through the good graces of Mr. Franz “Jefito doesn’t eat enough gross junk…